Facts about Nobel Prizes
∙ There are a total of 597 Nobel awards have been given to 950 Nobel Laureates b/w 1901 to 2019.
∙ The average age of all Nobel Laureates in all prize categories between 1901 and 2017 is 60 years.
∙ Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel Laureates who got the Peace Prize in 2014 at the age of just 17 years.
∙ John B. Goodenough is the oldest recipient of this prize in Chemistry 2019 at the age of 97 years.
∙ Alfred Nobel left most of his estate, more than SEK 31 million (today approximately SEK 1,702 million) to be converted into a fund and invested in “safe securities.”
∙ The Nobel Prize amount for 2018 is set at Swedish kronor (SEK) 9.0 million per full Nobel Prize.
∙ John Bardeen is the only Nobel Laureate who has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics twice, in 1956 and 1972.
∙ The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded 113 times to 213 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2019.
∙ Marie Curie is the only one woman who has been honoured twice, with the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. ∙ Just 54 women in total have been awarded the Nobel Prize between 1901 and 2019.
∙ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded 111 times to 184 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2019.
∙ Frederick Sanger is the only Nobel Laureate who has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry twice, in 1958 and 1980. This means that a total of 180 individuals have received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
∙ The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences has been awarded 51 times to 84 Laureates between 1969 and 2019..
∙ The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901 to Henry Dunant (Switzerland) and Frederic Passy (France).
∙ The Peace Prize is the only prize that is not presented in Stockholm. This prize is presented annually in Oslo, in the presence of the King of Norway, on December 10, the death anniversary of Alfred Nobel.
∙ The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 100 times to 134 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2019 which includes 27 organizations and 107 individuals.
∙ It is known that so far 9 Indians/people of Indian origin have received Nobel Prize and the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize was Rabindra Nath Tagore
∙ Four People have received two Nobel Prizes:
Marie Curie(Physics-1,Chemistry-1), Linus Pauling (Chemistry-1,Peace-1), John Bardeen (Physics-2), Frederick Sanger(Chemistry-2)
∙ International Committee of Red Cross awarded three times for Peace .Unique Noble Prize Winners
o Pierre Curie - Father
o Marie Curie - Mother
o Irene Joliot Curie - Daughter
Persons refusing Noble Prize
o Jean- Paul Sartre(Literature) - 1964
o Le Duc Tho (Peace) - 1973
Award to American Presidents
o Theodore Roosevelt (Peace) – 1906
o Woodrow Wilson(Peace) -- 1919
o Jimmy Carter(Peace) - 2002
o Barack Obama(Peace) - 2009
Women Nobel Peace Prize Winners:
Nobel Peace Prize Winning Organizations: