Awarded either to Military or Civilian Personnel
∙ All the three awards are also given posthumously.
Other Military Awards
India’s International Awards
Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize
∙ The International Gandhi Peace Prize, named after Mahatma Gandhi, is awarded annually by the Government of India.
∙ As a tribute to the ideals espoused by Gandhi, the Government of India launched the International Gandhi Peace Prize in 1995 on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Mohandas Gandhi.
∙ This is an annual award given to individuals and institutions for their contributions towards social, economic and political transformation through non-violence and other Gandhian methods.
∙ The award carries ₹ 1 Crore (10 million) in cash, convertible in any currency in the world, a plaque and a citation. It is open to all persons regardless of nationality, race, creed or gender.
∙ A jury consisting of the Prime Minister of India, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, the Chief Justice of India, Speaker of the
Lok Sabha and one other eminent persons decides the awardee each year.
Indira Gandhi Peace Prize
It was instituted in 1986 and awarded by Indra Gnadhi Memorial Trust.It is awarded for peace, disarmament and development.The prize carries a cash award off 25 lakh Indian rupees and a citation.
First recipient (1986)
▪ Parliamentarians for Global Action
▪ ISRO (2014),
▪ Dr.Manmohan Singh(2017)
▪ Centre for Science and Environment(2018)
Last recipient (2019)
Sir David Huttenborough (Br). World renowned English broadcaster and natural historian
Jawaharlal Nehru Award
It was instituted in 1965 and awarded by Government of India for international understanding, goodwill and friendship.The money constitutent of this award is Rs. 1.00 Cr.
First recipient(1965) – U Thant(3rd UN General Secretary)
Last recipient (2009)- Angela Markel (Germany’s First Female Chancellor)